Happy Halloween!

With Halloween quickly approaching, there are plenty of tasty temptations about.  We’ve compiled a list of ways to help keep your teeth healthy, so you can avoid an emergency trip to the dentist.

-If you have crowns, bridges, braces or fillings, avoid eating sticky caramels, nuts, toffees etc. Orthodontic patients in particular should look for melt-in-your-mouth treats.
-Limit sugary treats to once a day, as grazing on these foods will be continuously be bathing your teeth in sugar.
-Drink a glass of water or milk after eating to help wash away some of the sugars and acids.
-Make sure that you thoroughly brush and floss your teeth at least twice a day, and visit your hygienist regularly to maintain good oral hygiene.

UCC Centenary Events

On the 2nd of March, Dr McCarthy lectured at the Centenary of Cork University Dental School and Hospital.  His lecture was entitled Aesthetic Dentistry. The lecture aimed to provide an overview of the factors required to predictable achieve optimal individual...

Upcoming Events

Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland ASM The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Faculty of Dentistry will be hosting their Annual Scientific Meeting this year on the 25th and 26th of October. The theme this year is Aesthetic Dentistry and both Dr Sean McCarthy and...

Upcoming Events

Straumann Introduction to Implant Dentistry Drs McCarthy & Tuohy will be presenting a course aimed at providing an introduction into the restorative aspects of dental implantology using the Straumann Dental Implant System. This course will be taking place on...

Recent & Upcoming Events

Just back from presenting a lecture to the London Chapter of the prestigious Alpha-Omega International Dental Fraternity, Dr McCarthy will be setting off shortly for the 15th Annual Dentsply Friadent World Symposium in Hamburg. On the 27th of March, our regular Study...


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Power Electrical,82 Ballyhooley Road, Cork.

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