Smile Design



Smile Design is a highly technical procedure and combines precision with artistic ability from both the dentist and the dental technician.

Every smile is unique and individual and we take time to plan your smile so that the end result can meet your goals and your expectations. Before beginning any treatment, a comprehensive study of your oral health and aesthetics will be carried out. Smile Design is a process – not one particular type of dentistry. Generally symmetry, straightness and whiteness are seen as desirable features of an attractive smile but achieving the right tooth dimensions and position of the surrounding gum can take weeks, sometimes months, to get right.

Smile Design 1

The position and shape of the old crowns cannot be used as a guide for the final shape and form of the smile.

Smile design is a dynamic process. It begins at the consultation appointment and continues throughout the treatment. Initial changes are suggested and these are tested using temporary restorations. These temporaries become the new reference point to which changes are made until the final harmonious, balanced smile is achieved. Only then does the dental ceramist create the final restorations.



Smile Design 2

A more symmetrical and balanced smile is created by a combination of treatments. It all began with an analysis of the changes in tooth shape that would provide a more pleasing smile. This was done at the consultation appointment before commencing treatment. This allowed for better communication between both doctor and patient so there was proper understanding of realistic goals that could be achieved.



Smile Design 3

A more symmetrical and balanced smile is created by a combination of treatments. It all began with an analysis of the changes in tooth shape that would provide a more pleasing smile. This was done at the consultation appointment before commencing treatment. This allowed for better communication between both doctor and patient so there was proper understanding of realistic goals that could be achieved.

Smile Before

Temporary Restorations

Smile After

Final Restorations


The Atrium Clinic, The Atrium, Blackpool Business Park, Blackpool, Cork.
T: 021 439 9056 E: [email protected]

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