Worn Teeth



There are many reasons for tooth wear and different patterns exist depending on the cause and the position the mouth. Mechanical tooth wear can result from grinding of teeth or from abrasion with another object such as aggressive tooth brushing. Chemical tooth wear is due to acids eroding the teeth. A correct diagnosis is required to in order to provide the most appropriate treatment. This can vary from simple bonding or advice, to complex full mouth rehabilitation.

Many years of grinding resulted in the teeth being worn to half their original size in the front of the mouth and loss of detail on the back teeth. A complex full mouth reconstruction was required to restore the smile and improve the function. This complex treatment was carried out over many months allowing for the bite to be re-established before restoring all the teeth with metal-ceramic crown.

Worn Teeth 2

Only the central incisors were worn. The length and balance in the smile was improved with initial orthodontics, soft tissue recontouring and restoring the bridge on the right canine with an implant-retained crown and the four central incisors with porcelain veneers.




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The Atrium Clinic, The Atrium, Blackpool Business Park, Blackpool, Cork.
T: 021 439 9056 E: [email protected]

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